Private Jet Service Climbs


Portsmouth, NH – While private jet charter service is nowhere near the robust levels it enjoyed prior to the economic bloodletting of 2008, the use of private jets is definitely on the upswing.

Private jet service in Europe and the U.S. increased 9% in January 2011. Overall, it was up 5.5% last year. Over all, increase in private jet service can be attributed to increased travel of private jets to Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Private jet service is also ...

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Private Jets to Bermuda Mixing Business and Pleasure

Creme de la creme, Bermuda and Charter Auction share a common bond, both a proven success with vacationers and business travelers.


With focused attention at getting clients the best possible pricing on private jets service using aircraft locator technology in conjunction with a reverse-style auction, Charter Auction shows rapid growth in the Bermuda travel sector. Reason? Not only are they pioneers in offering auctions for private jets requests they are innovative in paying attention to high traffic areas. They keep abreast ...

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